Privacy Policy

Advanced Climate Systems BV, located at Sylviuslaan 5, 9728 NS Groningen - the Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as is described in this privacy statement.

Contact information:
Sylviuslaan 5, 9728 NS Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 85 200 3989

Personal data we process

Advanced Climate Systems BV processes your personal data because you use our services or due to you providing these details to us. In the coming paragraphs we will elaborate on what data we process.

Special and / or sensitive personal data we process

Our website and / or service does not have the intention to gather and process data about website users below the age of 16. Unless their parents or guardian gave them permission. We can however not check the age of a visitor, and therefore not check if users are above the age of 16. We recommend parents or guardians to be involved in the online activity of their children, to prevent the collection of children's data without parental permission. If you are convinced we collected data about someone under the age of 16 without permission, contact us via, and we will delete this information.

The goal with which we process personal data

Advanced Climate Systems BV process your personal data with the following goals:

No automated decision making algorithms

Advanced Climate Systems BV does not use automated decision making algorithms to make decisions that have an impact on its users. This refers to decisions made by computer programs or computer systems, without human interference by a Advanced Climate Systems employee.

Sharing personal data with third parties

Advanced Climate Systems BV will not sell your personal data to third parties and only supplies your data if it is needed to properly execute our agreement with you or to comply with legislation. Any companies that process your data on our behalf have signed a data processing agreement. This agreement is used to ensure that third parties maintain the same level of security and confidentiality of data as is maintained by Advanced Climate Systems BV. Advanced Climate Systems BV is responsible for the data processed by these third parties.

Data insight, change or deletion

You have the right to insight in your personal data, to change or to delete it. Furthermore you have the right to revoke your permission for the processing of your personal data, to object to the processing of your personal data by Advanced Climate Systems BV and the right to transfer your data. This means that you may request your personal data saved on our servers, we will save it in a conventional computer file format (ex. Excel, PDF) and send it to you or an organisation of your choosing. Any request regarding data insight, change, deletion, transfer or revoking your permission regarding data processing can be sent to To ensure the legitimacy of the request we require a copy of your ID added to the request. Please blackout your photo, MRZ (Machine readable zone, the numbers on the bottom of your ID), ID-number and social security number. We recommend this to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, guaranteed within four weeks. Advanced Climate Systems BV would like to remind you that you are able to register a formal complaint at the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This can be done using the following link:

How we secure personal data

Advanced Climate Systems BV takes protection of your personal data very seriously, and takes measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted publishing and non-authorized changes to your data. If you have the impression your data is not properly secured or there are signals of data abuse, please contact us via

What personal data we save if you use Climatics

If you use Climatics we will save your personal data as described below:

We save your data with the following goals:

This data will be used to contact you and link your data to a specific business or project. This is needed to ensure smooth communication between Advanced Climate Systems BV and you, our customer. Our response time is significantly shortened using this method, and therefore our service is improved.

Advanced Climate Systems BV also processes personal data if we are required to do so by law, for example data which is needed for our tax declaration.

App-specific permissions

The Climatics app requires the following permissions to function optimally:

How long we save personal data

Advanced Climate Systems BV will only save your personal data for as long as is needed to realize the goals for which your data was collected.